torstai 23. toukokuuta 2019

Mother land Africa part 2

I got a model from my school for the photoshoot i decided to take some pictures inside and some outside. I did decided that she should wear white and ask here to came for the shoot with no make up because minea was going to do her makeup. I also did before some shoots with only the products but i really liked more the picrures i took with the model.
clothes and makeup before the photoshoot

shooting with F number 5 and "iso arvo " 100 using a black instead camera leg

photoshoot set up 

My model Ester one the outside photoshoot 
Model and the product Using serial photosetting Ca and iso arvo 100 , one light

F8 , iso arvo 100 , one bringht natural light 

When i did share my pictures for the customer i made 2 different photo sizes one for instagram and one size for facebook. The resolution i made in the pictures to be 72 in both. For instagram the size was for the square picture 1080 and for facebook

 The pictures that turned out best 

image size 1080 resolution 72
image size 1200 and 630  and resolution 72

keskiviikko 22. toukokuuta 2019

Mother land Africa

My last project is for a interior shop called Tyttö ja vuohi they have a lot of very unicue items from Kenya and Tanszania mostly and from other parts of the world.
The shop has also very exotic jewerly and bags. The shop is really one of my favorite ones in Turku because when i go there i can feel a pace from far away destinations and colores.

So after i decided the customer i did start to make different ideas i did have a pretty clear vision what i wanted to offer to the costumer. My time was also bit limited because of the summer break so i needed to make a very clear schedule about the work.

I made four different pinterest boards about the photoshoot, two more like product photos one with model and the product and the last board was for the makeup to the model.

Then there was the ideas for the makeup that i wanted to be bit like a tribe makeup for making a more African vibe and feeling of exoticnes. Minea was the makeup artist so i made the board for her so she knew better what type of makeup  i wanted for the model.

Then i decided two colors that came in my mind when i started to think about Africa i got red in my mind straight away and then turquoise. I went one bike to by some paint and painted 3 different backgrounds. 

painting stuff 
painting some more 

maanantai 20. toukokuuta 2019

Marimekko fachionshow and store set ups

Marimekkofachion show this year was very cool. The show was held in a park called Esplanadinpuisto they did show a clothing line from spring and summer and for a person who never did really like this style of clothes i must say that i really like some of them. Also the show had preformers one the stage with the models witch i think was a really cool idea it made the whole show more relaxt and" lit"

Lisää kuvateksti

store set ups 

Luch store set ups this store is my all time favourite and i think everything looks so delicious

store set ups Finlayson

keskiviikko 15. toukokuuta 2019

Time travel

Inspiroiduin ihan hirveästi kakku kuvista missä pölytetään jauhoja tai missä tomusokeria siivilöidään joten koitin ottaa muutaman kuvan tällä tavoin. Valkoisen tomusokerin ja pölytyksen sai parhaiten esiin tummalla tustalla joten käytin kuvauksessa mustaa boxia ja mustaa taustaa missä valaistus oli hyvin minimaalinen iso arvo oli kamaressa 2000 kuvatessa. Myös piti katsoa että suljin aika on mahdollisimman nopea että kuvan liikkeen sai pysäytettyä ja tarkennettua silloin kokeilin erillaisia F numeroita F 4 aloitin mutta päädyin lopulta käyttämään F 10 . 

testi kuva iso arvo 2000 F 10
iso arvo 2000 F 10 
En kuitenkaan ollut täysin tyytyväinen näihin kuviin ja päätin kuvata samaa tuotetta ja sommitelmaa mustalla taustalla flatlayna. 

iso arvo 100 F5 

itsensä johtaminen ja tiiimioppiminen

Itsensä johtaminen
  • ajankäytön suunnittelu ja aikataulutus , to do list 
  • henkinen ja fyysinen hyvinvointi
  • kehitä itseäsi ja ole avoin oppimaan uutta
  • Tuottaminen ja tehokkuus
  • Ole itsellesi rehellinen 
Tiimi työskentely

  • keskustele tiimin tavoitteista 
  • jaa jäsenten kesken tehtävät tai vastuu alueet 
  • ole tunnolline ja rehellinen 
  • kerro oma mielipide mutta kykene myös joustamaan 
  • ole oma itsesi mutta koita asennoitua postiivisesti asioihin 

torstai 9. toukokuuta 2019

Creative inspirations

I used to read a lot of different blogs like maybe about 5 years ago , now i abandoned them all when vlogs came and i did get more inspired by them.

Creatives and youtubers 

i get most inspirations of people who make lot of different things like videos , photography , instagram , podcasts etc.

sorelle amore 

  • youtube 
  • photography 
  • business 
  • podcasts 

Kris the Kat 

  • vlogs 
  • photography & edit 
  • E books 
  • Retreats 

Plant ful soul 

  • youtube videos & vlogs 
  • photography 
  • writings 
  • webstore 

Lizzie peierce 

  • Video producer 
  • photography 
  • creative 

maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2019

Sustainable fachion part 2

We did shoot the pictires of the clothes and scarfs with the mannequin from front and back. 
So this is the pictures we are going to extract when we do the edit. 
We did use now the F number 5 but change it to 8 after some test shoots. 
Also we did use 2 bright natural light lamps and one not so very bright very low down so we did get more light also down one the dress. Also we had the "iso arvo " in 100 while shooting. 

taking photos with clothes one model

The next thing was that we did go true the pictures and decided what pictures where the best to use some of them we did need to take many times that the clothes would look good one the model and get the lightning right.
After that we did share 4 clothes to everyone in the team where you have to extract 2 pictures and one scarf.

practising to extract this dress
Before extraction

After extraction 

Google garage kurssit, toiminta digitaalisessa ymspäristössä

Google garage tehtävät.  Digtitaalisen hyvinvoinnin perusteet, että teknologian käyttö ja ihmesuhteet sen ulkopuolella ovat tasapainossa.  P...