tiistai 2. huhtikuuta 2019

we dont have a planeth B

We had a a assignment with me class mate Anniina to shoot product photography. 
So we had to list up all the interests we have in common. we had several interest but to name a few. 

  1. decor 
  2. fashion
  3. food 
  4. art 
  5. pottery 
  6. ethicality
Then we did have to choose one of them that we have most in common. It did happened to be ethicality and from that we did made a new list of things around that area of our common interests. 

  1. vintage clothes 
  2. second hand clothes 
  3. organic cosmetics
Then we had a discussion about different companys and after a while we did decide to go with a company we both like called Ruohonjuuri witch is a company who sell a lot of different organic stiuff like organic cosmetics that we did pic ass our nr 1 interest here.

After that we made different pinterest boards where we made different options how to photograf the products that we did pic. 

Ihminen ja kosmetiikka 

Was the first idea and it means "human and cosmetics" where we did think that we could have a human hand that holds the product in the hand or a mirror where the hand reflects. 

Kosmetiikka vaalealla taustalla 

Means cosmetics one a light back ground. Where we imagine light back ground with natural elements like birch branches or reed. 


means like liquid cosmetics we planned if we could open the prodducts that we could well them from the bottlles. LIke eye shaddows or creams.

Kosmatiikka ja Somisteita 

We did plan one board with cosmetics and just different kind of decorations it could be flowers , honey or coffe beans anycaind of natural element that the procudct represent. 

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