sunnuntai 28. huhtikuuta 2019

Sustainable fachion

We are going to make 7 product photography pictures for ---> whos clothes are hand crafted ethical clothes witch are made in Pakistan. 

We are making two styles of photos one with only clothes and one series of photos with the clothes one a model. The clothes we take pictures of are meant to get to publich one a web store named Weecos -->
We made a test shoot with girls from our class ass models. We are also going to extract 2 pictures with clothing from in front and one from behind. With model from behind , front and both sides. 
tankay maxidress with model test shoot 
- Video about how to extract with different technicues
test shoot outside that didint really work out becose of the changing natural light.

test shoot outside

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Google garage kurssit, toiminta digitaalisessa ymspäristössä

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