tiistai 26. maaliskuuta 2019
Comparing Photography styles , schoolwork
Susanna Vento VS. Krista Keltainen
Their styles is both very similar from one another.
I would describe in few words , simple , modern and scandinavian.
They both use colors like gray , white and black.
How i found Krista bit different is that i can see that she really loves Cristmas she has a lot of holiday photos or photos with Christmas decorations. Also her style has more a cosy home kind of vibe.
How i found Susanna different was that her style had more personality and bit of more colors and mybe bit more bold creativity like stuffed animals.
maanantai 25. maaliskuuta 2019
perjantai 22. maaliskuuta 2019
torstai 21. maaliskuuta 2019
About me.
My name is Suzanne and im 27 years old wild woman and a free spirit from Finland.
I have a deep passion for exploring planeth earth and expresing myself true photography.
I have travelled true South America ,Africa ,explored the Carribbean and called Spain my home for 4 months.
The past 5 yers the road has been my home more or less.
I returned now back home to my roots here in Finland and desided to get a bit more grounded at lest for a little while.
Now i started to study arts and photography.
I have always been a seeker and as much as i love traveling i also love to explore the world within, sense i was a child i always felt there is meaning beond the daily life.
Because of that i love jooga , meditaton and all caind of self love rituals.
Mother earth has always been my biggest inspiratoin in life and as much as i like to sit in a cool cafe in Barcelona i feel most alive in a deep forest here in the North or in a ever green jungle in Costa Rica.
Welcome to see the adventure of life true my eyes.
from my heart.
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